Tuesday, December 14, 2010


After having sang happy birthday to mother and grand-mother, we went to look for moss to the presepe. It was an intensive weekend. Nieces and sis are not overcoming the panic caused by the tornado. We spent the best of the time all together in order to give some help with it. At least A., who was not eating almost anything (and she's a "packer" - goes out to aunt!), more relaxed with all together at home, ate like a starveling. Great!

Their catechist said that it would be nicer to lay baby Jesus down on his bed only on the evening of 24. And I thought that it was a good idea. It would be nice to live in the expectation of the arrival of the Savior. But nobody cared. And we left baby Jesus on his bed as is he was.

My little son wanted to do the presepe so much but after all it was I. who was committed with this task. That was really good. Between laughter, stumbles, chats and food, we spent one more supporting family weekend.

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