Wednesday, October 13, 2010

God, sheep and us - Thursday, September 2, 2010

Today, while I was working, by the end of the day, I saw these pictures. They caught my attention. The first one, due to the simple but colorful flowers that someone had the idea of making growing there, in the middle of the dried corn field and the kales. Right by its side, this small flock of little grazing sheep. They seemed so quiet and clean. A quiet picture that refreshed my fatigue.

It immediately came to my mind the so much I've already heard about God, sheep and us. All I heard was in the sense that how sheep are an example to all of us. They are so quiet, obedient to only one voice - the shepherd's voice - they live all together, etc. These are qualities to be followed, I have no doubt. But...

I don't want to come into conflict with science because I believe that science is compatible with faith - but that's another subject - God created sheep. And created us, His masterpiece. He created us with a free will. It it wasn't a heresy to criticize God, I think that many of us would criticize this aspect of human creation. After all, men are bad and make many bad things. But I think that creating us with free will was one of the most beautiful things that God has ever done. After all, that's what distinguishes us from the the sheep. They are quiet because they don't think. These ones on the picture were eating right beside these beautiful flowers and didn't even stop to appreciate their beauty. They are obedient because, if they don't think, they find correct to do what is required them to do and do it. They love that shepherd because they don't know anybody else. They are together because they don't know how to live differently. In short, they are like that just because they are, they have no other choice. But we, by the contrary, we are free to choose, we can choose badly, but we also can choose well. Everything has its contrary and we can choose the best or the worse. And that's what makes us different from the other beings.

That's the beauty of being able to choose: to make that loving God and the other is not a mechanic act, but a decision from the heart. Among many examples, many of us use to wake up in the morning beside a partner with dark circles, oily skin and with bad mood, but we choose that person to be the partner of our life and we decide that he/she is the most beautiful person in the wordl. And God takes pleasure when we choose love. Because love begets life and choosing is a gift. So, life is the supreme gift of love.

I wish everyone a life full of good choices and full of love!

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